Some situations, like moving and travel, are more likely to result in lost, neglected, abused, or injured pets. Additionally, dogs or cats kept in large numbers might be neglected. Always be aware of pets in your neighborhood who are at risk and be ready to speak up for them.
- Moving households—pets get trapped behind closed doors because they follow their owners everywhere when they sense that something is going on, and then the door shuts in their faces by accident.
- Traveling with pets, who slip out of a car or house door, get confused by unfamiliar surroundings, and run away because they are afraid.
- Living next to busy highways—pets are injured or killed by vehicles.
- Outside farm dogs, porch dogs, yard dogs, are at high risk for neglect in three ways: lack of food or water, lack of veterinary care, and exposure to extreme weather (heat, cold, storms).
- Dogs kept in large numbers, such as hunting or sled dogs, have a higher risk of neglect or neglectful living conditions.
- Pets living in abusive households—the link between wife abusers and child/pet abusers is proven and common.
- Pets waiting in parked cars on hot days—6 minutes or less is all it can take to heat your car interior above 100 degrees.
- Dogs and cats that roam at will, without wearing collars and tags.
- Dogs who have not been obedience-trained or house-trained are more likely to be dumped or kept on a chain.
- Thunderstorms and fireworks that cause pets to bolt and flee.
- Give-away pets—many end up as bait dogs with dog fighters or in product-testing facilities or even food for pet snakes.
- Substance abusers—addicted pet owners forget about feeding and watering their pets, or skimp on food to save money for drugs; worse, dogs are sometimes trained to attack strangers.